Week #37: March 21, 2017 –
March 27, 2017
This week has been a blur!
For two days, we were in Ipoh for Zone Meeting. We were able to learn more
about goals, and we set more goals as a District, to have a unified vision.
Upon our return, we had exchanges. This is a time where us missionaries go with
another sister companion, who is a Sister Training Leader (STL), and learn how
we can improve individually and help our area. I learned a lot about getting
right down to it, and getting to work. Often times we hear, "Just Do
It!" Many times we procrastinate what we need to do because we are scared
or lazy. However, we often find that we spent more time and energy avoiding the
problem than it would have taken to just do it. This is my challenge to you
today. Get up, and get to work! On Sunday, President Simmons (my mission President) and his wife came to the branch to visit. They gave superb talks about charity.
In studies, I read an article, "The War Goes On", in the April 2017 Liahona. This talks a lot about the war in Heaven, and the war that still goes on today. This tell us more about the origin of Satan, and why he became the devil. It points out 4 tactics Satan uses to get to us, and how we may better recognize and fight them. These tactics include temptation, lies and deception, contention, and discouragement. When we recognize these are the ways Satan gets to us, then can we recognize how we can get him out of our lives--how we can get him to stop influencing us. There are often ways we can stop his influence, but it won't be complete without the Savior. Don't forget to use the Atonement! I know that the Plan of Salvation IS the Plan of Happiness. Keep trying, keep fighting, and keep being faithful!
Zone Conference for Kuala Lempur and Ipoh Zones |
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