Week #50 - And Then There Was One: June 20, 2017 - June 26, 2017 (Miri)
I'm back and ready to kill. This week I have been transferred to Miri, which is in Sarawak, East Malaysia. I am yet again companions with Sister Montague, my first mission mama out of four. I have "killed' 2/4 (missionary talk meaning I was their last companion before they finished their missions), soon to be 3/4. Sister Durham is next! Sister Montague goes home July 4, 2017.
jokes aside, I am in a trio with Sister Montague and Sister Steele. I knew
Sister Steele in the MTC, she was 6 weeks ahead of me, so we had 3 weeks to get
to know each other. She is from Orem, Utah. She is a talented singer and
musician #ukesquad, and is very down-to-earth and patient. We also happen to
have the same first name, Samantha, but both of us went by Sam before.
Honestly, I do not know what I am doing in Miri. All I know is that the Lord
needed me here.
reminds me of St. George. It is very hot and desert like. There are a lot of houses
instead of apartment complexes. The homes are gorgeous! They are huge and
spread out. Many people here even have yards and gates. The city symbol is the
seahorse. We get chased by dogs here, supposedly. I have only transported by
car so far, because I am waiting for my bike to be sent from Penang. I learned
that Muslims are not allowed to own dogs according to their religion. Many dogs
are either strays or have been trained to be guard dogs. Other dogs just chase
us because they are bored, while we are both on bikes and on foot. There are
also all sorts of animals around. The other day, we found a crab in our drive
way, and a frog in a sister's shoe this morning. There are 7 sisters living in
one home. We have 6 sets of missionaries serving here, 3 sets of sisters and 3
sets of elders. There are 3 branches, 2 in Malay (one of those is technically
Malay but usually speaks all Iban), and 1 in English (thank goodness that's my
branch). Miri is where Sister Steele and Sister Clark started their missions.
Sister Quan is still the Queen of Miri, having served here for 10 months.
That's a little about Miri for you.
in church, yesterday, I met an investigator and her 2 daughters from China. Her
first daughter is my age, also an ox, and is studying in England. Her second
daughter is Sarah's age, also a rabbit, and is studying in China. The two
daughters were born in Malaysia and grew up here, but their family is
originally from China. They are moving to KL soon, but it was great to get to
know them. The mother has been investigating the church for almost 15 years
now. While I was talking to the oldest daughter, I learned that she was
actually quite involved in the church in England. She goes to YSA activities
often, and even camps. I was talking about Trek and Girl's Camp, as well as YSA
activities, and she really wanted to participate in these activities. We then
talked about her life in college. She expressed her difficulty making friends.
Don't we all, at one point or another, have had difficulty with a new stage of
life? I know I did.
up, I often had to make difficult decisions of which school I should attend,
should I go on a mission and when, and am I even doing the right thing? These
are life-changing decisions that many of us had to make. I soon realized, early
on that I couldn't just make them myself, but prayerfully. To give a little
background, I went to an elementary school that fed into a junior high, where
only 20% of that junior high would feed into the boundaries of my high school.
I had the option of 3 junior high schools, all within a 5 minute drive of each
other. This was a time I had to prayfully decide which school to attend. The next
decision came when I had to choose which high school, and then further for
college. These dilemmas were caused because I had a choice for something good,
versus something better, versus something that was best for me. These moments
helped me to strengthen my relationship with Heavenly Father and to rely on His
plan and timing for me. In the end, when I had made a prayerful decision, I had
found countless blessings. I was able to go to a school where I had countless
opportunities where and doorways opened up. I was able to find teachers that I
understood their teaching and that I connected well with; I was even able to
make really good friends who supported and guided me down righteous paths. At
the first of each of these new experiences, I always had a difficult time
making a good friend. I knew I had made a correct choice, because I had prayed
about it, but I was wondering if I had chosen wrong. This was a time where my
prayers had to change and I even had to fast. I found myself changing the words
of my prayers to be more specific, and with the faith to fast, I found what I
was looking for. Today, I can say I have at least 1 great friend (from each
stage of life) that has influenced me, supported me, and led me down righteous
paths. I am still great friends with each of them to this day.
is my testimony that Heavenly Father has a great plan for each of us. This plan
goes down to the smallest decisions we will make. We have no need to wonder
which choice is correct. We will always be right when we prayerfully choose
them. I know He listens to our prayers and fasts when we have righteous
desires. I have faith that He has higher purposes for my transfer to Miri.
Perhaps you don't understand everything in your life right now, but there is
one who does. Trust Him. Ask Him. He will listen and in the right time, He will
sometime we making a good or bad friend. you knew you had made a correct choice...be kind to one another...don't let go your good friend and they will guide you and choose to stay with the right path ...